Electronics Recycling

electronics recyclingElectronic items may be recycled at the Fairfield Transfer Station by residential customers during regular station hours (no commercial recycling, please.)

The Solid Waste and Recycling Commission passed a regulation which bans electronic devices and mercury-containing devices from the waste stream. The Town of Fairfield has contracted with NewTech Recycling Inc. to have the electronics recycled. If the computers have usable hard drives, NewTech reformats the hard drives and removes all of the data on them. They have insured us that all data is destroyed which meets the Department of Defense Standards for data destruction.

Typical items that may be recycled include cell phones, remote controls, keyboards, digital cameras, televisions, microwave ovens, copy machines, scanners, computers, CD and DVD players, light bulbs and batteries. Click here for a complete list of acceptable items.

There is no charge for electronics recycling for Fairfield residents.