Emergency Preparedness Resources

Disasters can happen at anytime.  The Town of Fairfield's Emergency Management Team is committed to being prepared for all types of emergencies and to preparing its citizens to most effectively deal with emergencies situations. Below is information on some helpful resources for being informed and prepared for severe weather, power outages and other emergencies.

Town Notifications

The Town of Fairfield uses several different tools to provide information to residents and businesses in case of emergency.  The Emergency Management Team recommends you do the following:

  • Sign up for the FairfieldAlert Emergency Notification System or update your information here. You can determine how and where to receive these emergency messages. Options include emergency messages on your home cell or work phone, by email and/or text message.
  • Bookmark the Town of Fairfield storm page - fairfieldct.org/storm - for quick access to storm updates, emergency instructions and storm preparation
  • Sign up for the Town’s News and Announcements notifications at fairfieldct.org/emailsignup . Enter your email address, check the ‘News and Announcements’ box and click ‘Join’.
  • Put the Town's Emergency Information Hotline Number - 203-254-4899 - in your cell phone. 
Make a Plan

It's very important for families and businesses to have a plan for dealing with emergency situations. Here are some resources for making plans for your family, pets and/or your business.

Plan Type Resource
For Families
For Pets
For Businesses

Severe Weather

During the past few years, Fairfield has had some extreme weather.  From hurricanes, blizzards and excessive flooding to severe cold and extreme heat.  We can't control the weather but we can change how we are impacted by it.  Below are tips on what to do before and after weather related emergencies.

Severe Weather Resource
Blizzards and Winter Storms
Cold Weather
Excessive Heat
Flooding and Heaving Rain

Power Failures

A power failure or outage is the short or long term loss of electrical power.  Power can go out at anytime and without notice.  It can be out for a few hours or several days. Safety is the number one concern for the health department.  Make sure you are ready the next time the power goes out.  Have water, non-perishable foods, battery operated radio, batteries and flashlights on hand.

Depending on the length of time the power is out, you may need to discard food from your refrigerator and freezer.  A good rule to follow is when in doubt, throw it out!

Public Health Emergencies

A public health emergency is an event, natural or manmade, that creates a health risk to the public.  It may affect one person or thousands of people.  Your local health department detects and responds to public health emergencies to keep your family safe.  They conduct surveillance and monitor any health related changes or patterns, investigate causes of the emergency, responds as part of a team, plan ahead for emergency situations, and educate residents about preparedness.

Public Health Emergency Resource
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Chemical Exposures
Disease Outbreak
Water Supply (Private and Public)

Additional Links

Use the following links to learn more about how you can prepare for emergencies: